How may we help?

My contact data has changed

You have moved? There is a new contact for us? Your company profile has changed? You have a new company logo or want to upload your current logo to PSI?

Just go to

Here you can change your company's information . Please note that the main contact of your company will receive an e-mail concerning the changes you have made. He will have to confirm these changes. Only after this, we can update your information in our database.

If you have any questions about this, please contact

How can I create access to the PSI Websites for my colleagues?

You can give access to your colleagues by creating so-called Sub-Accounts here:

Please note that only the PSI Admin of your company can create Sub-Accounts. This is the LogIn with your PSI Number instead of E-Mail address.

If you have any questions about this, please contact

Where can I get information about the PSI Show?

You want to visit the PSI Show? Or exhibit at the Show?

You can find all information here:

Can I read the PSI Journal online?

Yes, you can. At you can find the most recent issue and the older ones.

Where can I find the Supplier Finder?

The Supplier Finder is available as a book to browse online:

and as an online search:

Where can I find the Distributor Finder?

The Distributor Finder is available as a book to browse online:

and as an online search:

Visit us at the upcoming PSI Show 2020

The next Leading European Trade Show of the Promotional Product Industry will take place between the 07th and 09th of January 2020.

Visit us at the Members Only Lounge in Hall 9, Stand 9G20